
Technical principal definition
Technical principal definition

technical principal definition

Clarity of expression in defining the designer’s requirements and in the interpretation of these. Accordingly, wherever necessary, examples have been expanded to show other applications of the principles. When in the judgment of the Principal Technology Transfer Officer a reasonable basis exists for believing that net receipts subject to allocation and distribution under this policy may be required to be changed or otherwise expended, or that others may have a claim to such amounts, the allocation and distribution may be delayed for a reasonable period required for resolution of the matter. principles are applicable to all fields of technical drawing. bluewards of the broad Hγ and λ4363.21˚A AGN emission lines). Three different regions were fitted: (i) the region around CaT, 8480-8690˚A (ii) the region around MgIb that also includes several Fe absorption lines, 5050-5450A˚ (i.e. Such agreements must be in writing, signed by all of those affected and submitted to the Principal Technology Transfer Officer.

technical principal definition

Individuals are expected to report any violations of this policy and/or problems with the security of any technology resources to the Principal, Technology Assistants, and/or CTI. Requests for authorization to remove or limit the University's rights or included persons' obligations in consulting or business activity agreements are to be submitted to the Principal Technology Transfer Officer who, upon a request by the included person, will consult with the individual’s unit supervisor, University Vice President, and other relevant University officers. As geopolitical tensions over the control of technology rise, Europe is putting its foot down on how it wants the internet to run. The Principal Technology Transfer Officer shall sign any sponsored research agreement which obligates to third parties existing or future University intellectual property.

technical principal definition

Only the Principal Technology Officer has the legal, delegated authority to assign ownership, license, or otherwise provide legal rights to discoveries and University intellectual property. The Principal Technology Transfer Officer will be a permanent ex-officio member of the Committee. University intellectual property rights and the obligations of included persons to the University shall not be diminished by the terms of included persons' consulting or business activity agreements with third parties, except as the Principal Technology Transfer Officer may specifically authorize in writing.


Upon receipt of a written affirmation by the discoverer (or in the case of multiple discoverers, a written affirmation by all discoverers), the Principal Technology Transfer Officer will release to the discoverer(s) the University's rights provided the University will retain a royalty-free license to use the discovery for research, educational, and service purposes for the legal life of the discovery.

Technical principal definition